So, almost exactly a year on I have braved a glance back at this blog. I can honestly say I am disappointed with myself, mostly my lack of follow through and dedication. I realised writing a blog and public shaming doesn't motivate me; I have to motivate myself. You can't write yourself skinny. You can't diet yourself skinny either. It's a lifestyle change and a mental shift.
This is my new approach. Self love, exercise and eating right. I am also tentatively trying which I believe to be maintainable in the long term, unlike my failed attempt at the Paleo diet. It was so strict it that was very difficult to stick to and I felt so sick, tired and dizzy all the time. What I did learn, though, is that it's easier to eat no sweet things at all than saying "I'll just have 1 block of chocolate". That is a lie. It is simply not possible to consume just one block when 12 more are staring back at you.
I like Weight Watchers because I can see exactly where I have gone wrong. Unfortunately this usually happens at dinner time and more than once I have had to eat plain veggies only, which are free. I do find it incredibly difficult to eat only 20 points per day, and am often over. But this is the best motivation for exercise, and I am not ashamed to say I work out to eat. It's kind of like a video game or competition with yourself, where you can earn bonus points and save points up for the ultimate prize: chocolate.
My Mom and sister have been on Weight Watchers for about a month and a half, and my sister has lost nearly 3kgs. It's nice to have their support, but being so far away from home means I can't go to meetings with them. I have started a Healthspiration group on Facebook with two other friends where we can share tips, hardships and progress. In my first week of Weight Watchers I lost 800g which I was very happy about. Too happy, in fact, since I got overly confident and gained it right back!
I know it's hard to always write down and add up what I eat, as it is to exercise every single day. But this quote is good to remember!
Weight Watchers is always watching....
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